DU students break into lock and entered Shahidullah Hall
2021-02-22 22:16:01 BdST
2025-03-26 00:13:03 BdST

A group of students of Dhaka University on Monday noon broke into Dr Muhammad Shahidullah Hall of the university.
More than one hundred agitating students entered the hall breaking the lock of the hall gate.
They were seen chanting slogans demanding the reopening of all the halls of the university immediately. They were inside the hall when this report was filed.
The institution and its dormitories have remained closed since March due to the coronavirus situation.
According to eyewitnesses, more than 50 students entered the hall around 12:15 pm on Monday.
in this subject to know Former GS Sourav said, He said that "I don't know of any such thing officially," Sourav said. However, I came to know that some students have gathered in the hall premises.
One student said, 'Our hall has been closed for a long year. We can't stay home anymore. So we went up by force. '
A security guard at Shahidullah Hall said a student first entered the hall to pick up goods. When the next 30-40 people gathered, I forced them to enter and I opened the lock.
To know about the hall, the professor said. Syed Humayun Akhtar was called more than once but he did not receive the call.
Dhaka University Proctor Professor. AKM Golam Rabbani said, “We have already talked to the hall authorities. We (the proctorial team) will try to resolve the issue peacefully without any disturbance by talking to the authorities and student representatives.

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