Dhaka Tuesday, May 14, 2024

JCI Dhaka UPTOWN holds 2nd general members meeting

2021-06-29 01:01:42 BdST

2024-05-14 03:09:03 BdST

JCI Dhaka Uptown recently held their 2nd General Members Meeting on the 26th of June, 2021(Saturday) at Six Seasons Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka. Before the general members meeting could start, the chapter held their first training of this year which was JCI Discover and the members were really excited with the session they had during the training and it was conducted by NEVP Senator Erfan Haque.

The meeting was conducted by the local chapter President of JCI Dhaka Uptown 2021 Senator Rezwanur Rahman where he shared ideas about various upcoming projects, events and how this Local Chapter has been progressing over the year and how they have achieved their Impactful project aligning JCI Rise, humanitarian initiatives.
President also congratulated their members for their outstanding performance in the debate championship also how they have given their hard work and dedication in getting out the projects that has been already been done by JCI Dhaka Uptown and as they have received a standing ovation on the general members meeting.
Not only this but an open discussion also took place regarding the Visions and ideas regarding their plans for the year of 2021.

This year JCI Dhaka Uptown has already created an example in different ways, by recruiting the maximum members in the history of JCI Dhaka Uptown, by recruiting Tasnuva Anan Shishir the first transgender member in the history of JCI Dhaka Uptown and JCI Bangladesh, giving tribute to the friend of the president and a wonderful outstanding member of junior chamber international Bangladesh naming the initiative Project N.A.I.L.A.

and aligning how networking and intelligence both can work together and can help the local entrepreneurs in creating a change for the Youth of Bangladesh and know them the ways of how to approach in the right direction and also the President congratulated their member for arranging JCI Village Orphan Aid 2021 in such a successful way for the 140 orphan children.


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