Happy Birthday: A worthy daughter of the soil
2021-09-28 08:57:26 BdST
2025-03-12 09:49:10 BdST

Henry Kissinger's so-called 'bottomless basket' is a role model of development in the world today in the 50 years of Bangladesh's independence. The construction of the Padma Bridge at a cost of around Tk 30,193 crore with its own funds is a big advertisement for the economic development of Bangladesh. Prominent Pakistani columnist and journalist and development consultant Jaigham Khan has published an article in Pakistan's The Nation titled 'The Bangladesh Model', in which he suggested following the development model of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina if Pakistan is to develop.
Earlier, in a television talk show, he advised Prime Minister Imran Khan, "If you want to develop Pakistan, look at Bangladesh without looking at Sweden; Make Pakistan like Bangladesh.
It is with great pride that the nation watched the ruling party Awami League honouring Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her dynamic leadership for the past ten years. She is a true daughter of the soil just like her great father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The nation acknowledges her contribution to the country developing massively in all indicators and graduating to a developing nation during her tenure. It is the strong and focused leadership of the worthy daughter of the Father of the Nation that has led the country towards a path of progress.
During her two consecutive tenures at the helm of affairs of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina has led the country from success to success. Her visionary leadership has started Bangladesh on its way to becoming a nuclear-power country and also made it step into the space age with our own satellite in orbit. She aspires to walk along the path of the Father of the Nation to fulfil his dreams of ‘Golden Bengal’ in the near future. In recognition of her futuristic leadership she received the ‘Global Women’s Leadership Award’ and also a D.Litt Award recently.
To achieve success one must have dreams to fulfil. That the PM is one such dreamer is no longer unknown to the world. She boldly took on the World Bank on the Padma Bridge issue and showed that we can build the bridge with self-funding without their assistance. Such determined confrontation of the international financial institution by a third world leader was unforeseen before. Her tremendous courage in the face of adversity is amazing and worthy of emulation.
Under her able guidance the country continues to be self-sufficient in food, being the third largest producer of fish and vegetables in the world. Her far-sighted policies focused on the girl-child education, which is reaping rich rewards for our nation with girls doing better than boys in board exams within a short span of time. We hope that with her enterprising leadership we will have a ‘hunger- and poverty-free Bangladesh’ by 2021 and become the ‘Switzerland of the east’ of her imagination by 2041.
Rajidul Islam, General Secretary, Manikganj District Chatra League
Topic: Sheikh Hasina

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